"Skjervoy" Was The Biggest Winner on Full Tilt Poker in September

Published on October 2nd, 2010 10:45 am EST

The King is reclining back in his chair - Talking about the year Andreas Torbergsen hadWhen Andreas "skjervoy" Torbergsen is an old man, chances are that he will look back on 2010 very fondly.

It's been an amazing year for the Norwegian-born player, and things just continue to get better for "Skjervoy" as the year goes on.

Torbergsen's year really got rolling back in July when he joined players such as David Benefield, Taylor Caby and Brian Hastings as members of "Team Cardrunners". Not only did Torbergsen's inclusion on "Team Cardrunners" mean that he would start producing content for Cardrunners.com, but it also meant that he would be a "red" pro on Full Tilt Poker.

Shortly after agreeing to become a member of "Team Cardrunners", Torbergsen went on an absolute tear on Full Tilt Poker, amassing nearly $2 million in total profits over just two months. From August 1st to September 30th, "skjervoy" was the most profitable player on Full Tilt Poker, banking approximately $1.8 million in total profits over 17,138 tracked hands. This put him ahead of the likes of Phil Ivey (+$1.49 million), "jungleman12" (+$1.42 million) and "harrington25" (+$1.0 million) over the same time period.

Torbergsen's September was especially strong, as he managed to make over $1.5 million on the month. This was nearly a million dollars more than the next most profitable player, "DrugsOrMe" (+$574k). This torrid run for Torbergsen in September included a monumental thrashing of "cadillac1944" that saw "skjervoy" bank over $1.2 million in just 24 hours.

As if that wasn't enough, PTR has Torbergsen up over $1.4 million on Pokerstars over the past year. This includes a profit of about $975k in the $100/$200 PLO games on the site over the past year.

It's hard to imagine how Torbergsen will top 2010..

Source: HighStakesDB.com

Source: PokerTableRatings.com


Filed Under: Cash Games

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