High Stakes Poker Season 5, Episode 4 Recap
Published on March 23rd, 2009 2:15 am EST
The line-up for this week was the same as in previous weeks - Tom "durrrr" Dwan, Barry Greenstein, Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies, Eli Elezra, Doyle Brunson, Peter Eastgate, Daniel Negreanu and David Benyamine.
After "Ziigmund" won the first two pots of this week's episode, Tom Dwan and Barry Greenstein had their much-anticipated showdown.
In the hand, Peter Eastgate raised to $3,500 preflop with Q-8 offsuit.
Barry Greenstein raised to $12,000 from the button with J-9 of hearts. Tom Dwan, who was in the SB, woke up with pocket Aces and put in a raise to $31,300. Eastgate got out of the way, and Greenstein called.
The flop came 3-J-10 rainbow.
Dwan led out with a bet of $46,200.
Greenstein, after a bit of deliberation (and with noticeably shaky hands), raised to $146,200.
Dwan raised to $240,100, and Greenstein called all-in, creating a total pot of $548,700.
Greenstein, who was 25% to win after the flop, jumped into the lead after the turn brought the 9 of spades.
The river was the 5 of diamonds, and Barry Greenstein took down the half million dollar pot with his two pair.
There were a few more interesting pots during the course of the show, including a $139k pot that was won by Eli Elezra.
Eli raised to $3,500 pre-flop with the A-4 of hearts, and "Ziigmund" elected to call with his 10-9 offsuit.
The flop came 7-K-Q with two diamonds. Eli bet $10,500, and "Ziigmund" called.
The turn was the 3 of hearts. Eli bet $16,500, "Ziigmund" raised to $54,000, and Eli called, hoping to hit his flush on the river.
The river was the 2 of diamonds, which helped neither player.
Both players checked, and Eli won the $139k pot with his Ace high.
In the final two hands of the episode, Doyle Brunson won a $141k pot after hitting a flush on the river, and Daniel Negreanu won a sizable pot after flopping trip Queens and betting on every street. Elezra, who had a pair of aces, finally decided to fold his hand on the river.
Dwan continued to impress in this episode, and took his very large beat extremely well.
The preview from last week seemed to indicate that "Ziigmund" would have a big episode this week, but he really didn't do very much besides win a couple of smaller pots to start the show. Maybe it's just me, but "Ziigmund" seems really uncomfortable in this setting.
The preview of next week's episode said that things get "worse" for Daniel Negreanu - I can't imagine things being much worse than losing a massive pot to quads (as he did in last week's episode to David Benyamine). Should be another entertaining episode. Can't help but feel sorry for Daniel Negreanu - he seems to be cursed on this show.
Filed Under: Poker on Television