Tom "durrrr" Dwan Down $3.5 Million in 2009
Published on January 29th, 2009 7:11 pm EST
This massive loss has come over 25,218 tracked hands (stats courtesy of For those without a calculator, this means that "durrrr" has lost approximately $140 for every hand that he has played so far in January.
If "durrrr" doesn't rebound dramatically over the last three days of the month, then his January performance will go down as one of the worst months of all time in online cash game history. This is an amazingly bad start to the year for one of poker's most successful players.
Dwan was the third most profitable player on Full Tilt Poker in 2008, making an obscene $5.41 million dollars over 223,259 tracked hands. He has managed to give back over 65% of that profit in just 28 days.
Patrik Antonius and Gus Hansen have both benefited greatly from Dwan's large downswing. Antonius has made over $2.7 million dollars in January, while Hansen has made $2.2 million. Both of these players have taken large sums of Dwan's money this month.
"durrrr" undoubtedly has a very large bankroll, but you have to wonder how long he can keep this up if he continues to lose at this current rate. If he had a bankroll of $10 million dollars at the end of 2008, then he just saw 35% of it evaporate in just 28 days. That's a big hit for anybody.
Dwan says he still plays on playing the "durrrr" challenge, and expects it to get underway in mid-February. No word yet as to who his first opponent will be.
Filed Under: Cash Games